Chicken Samossas recipe
You want to prepare delicious Samossas at home. Samoussas TAÏLOU is happy to offer you one of its best recipes.
Preparation time: 1 hour
Cooking time: 5 min
For 50 Samossas

Ingredients for dough
- 1 kg of flour
- 1 pinch of salt
- 1 glass of water
- 1 pinch of turmeric
Ingredients for stuffing
- 500 g chicken breast
- 100 g chopped green onions
- 50 g parsley or chopped coriander leaves
- Salt, pepper, green chilis
Place the flour, salt, and turmeric in a large bowl. Mix everything well and add water slowly until the dough reaches a hard consistency. Knead the dough well and let it rest 5 to 10 minutes. Then, shape the dough into balls of 80 to 90 g approximately and flatten them one by one in a circle about 12 cm in diameter.
Put a layer of oil between each piece of dough and stack 5 pieces at a time. Flatten again this layer of 5 dough pieces to strech it into a circle about 25 cm in diameter and cook it on a cast iron plate (or in a big Teflon pan).
Turn it over to cook the other side.
Scrub this dough and cut it into 5 x 15 cm stripes.
To make it easy, you can find ready-made dough for sale in the frozen section of supermarkets.
Cut the chicken breast into 1 cm cubes and put them in a container with green onions, parsley or coriander, and spices. Mix everything well.
Place a teaspoon of stuffing on the bottom half of the dough rectangle and make a cone, then fold down twice to wrap the stuffing in a triangle of dough. Glue the ends with a fairly sticky mixture of flour with water to prevent Samossas from opening during frying (see the Samossa folding technique below).

Steps to fold:


Heat oil to 180° in a large saucepan or deep fryer. Dip the Samossas in this oil and fry for about 5 to 7 minutes, turning them until the dough becomes golden brown.
Bon appétit ...